Chapel Doctrinal Material


The Journey



The Trinity


Excerpt from The Truth Shall Set You Free
Book by Barbara Barnett
(Winepress Publishing, Mukilteo, WA, 1996)

Chapter Seventeen

What Is This Love?—
Ecstasy and Agony

     I don't know how the term “connection” got started, but it certainly describes what began hapenning [in the spring and summer of 1985]. After many of the congregation opened their eyes while worshipping [in the dance], and, in a very real sense, perceived one another as members of Christ's body, Jesus—assisted by angels—began connecting our spirits one to another in love. Romans 12:5 and Ephesians 4:16 became reality which affected every part of our lives. It was marvelous beyond description.
(p. 305)

     It was late, really late, after a wonderful Sunday evening service. All day I was filled with the marvelous presence of God, and the aftermath of joy following an outstanding prayer time earlier that week. For hours, I worshipped the Lord with others. At 1:00 a.m., in spite of the lingering presence of the Lord, I turned to walk to the door, when I looked up and, behold!—a man walked toward me, smiling—all I saw was Jesus! As our eyes met, I whispered, “Jesus!”
     Without changing our gaze, we danced in worship. Every move made an incredible imprint on my spirit. I could hardly remain on my feet. I perceived that every step I took was received by him, and I repeated over and over, with abounding adoration, “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.” I was aware of no one or anything else—only Jesus.
     Jesus was there—with me—looking into my eyes and seeing everything I was. With all knowledge, He still gave me unconditional acceptance. I looked into his eyes and I saw Jesus my Friend, my Savior, my Lover and Bridegroom! I was experiencing Jesus with skin on! We never touched. Our spirits merged—we became one.
     The song ended. Overwhelmed, I staggered to the wall. Another song began; he came to me and we worshipped again. When that song ended, he said, “Thank you, Barbara,” and backed away to the door. I slumped to the floor in complete joy and ecstasy.
     ...It was 3:00 a.m. before I could walk down the stairs to my car. I knew that Jesus, the glorified Son of Man, had—in union with another human being's spirit—manifested Himself to me, and by doing so, our spirits melded into one. I was certain the Father had answered Jesus' prayer of John 17:21—‘That they may be one as we are.
     I thought, Surely this is the mystery the Apostle Paul refers to in Ephesians 5:31-32—“...the two shall be one flesh; this is a great mystery, but I speak concerning Christ and the church.
(pp. 319-320)

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