Excerpt from The Truth Shall Set You Free
Book by Barbara Barnett
(Winepress Publishing, Mukilteo, WA, 1996)
Chapter SeventeenWhat Is This Love?— Ecstasy and Agony
I don't know how the term “connection” got started, but it certainly describes what began hapenning [in the spring and summer of 1985]. After many of the congregation opened their eyes while worshipping [in the dance], and, in a very real sense, perceived one another as members of Christ's body, Jesus—assisted by angels—began connecting our spirits one to another in love. Romans 12:5 and Ephesians 4:16 became reality which affected every part of our lives. It was marvelous beyond description. (p. 305)
It was late, really late, after a wonderful Sunday evening service. All day I was filled with the marvelous presence of God, and the aftermath of joy following an outstanding prayer time earlier that week. For hours, I worshipped the Lord with others. At 1:00 a.m., in spite of the lingering presence of the Lord, I turned to walk to the door, when I looked up and, behold!—a man walked toward me, smiling—all I saw was Jesus! As our eyes met, I whispered, “Jesus!”
Without changing our gaze, we danced in worship. Every move made an incredible imprint on my spirit. I could hardly remain on my feet. I perceived that every step I took was received by him, and I repeated over and over, with abounding adoration, “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.” I was aware of no one or anything else—only Jesus.
Jesus was there—with me—looking into my eyes and seeing everything I was. With all knowledge, He still gave me unconditional acceptance. I looked into his eyes and I saw Jesus my Friend, my Savior, my Lover and Bridegroom! I was experiencing Jesus with skin on! We never touched. Our spirits merged—we became one.
The song ended. Overwhelmed, I staggered to the wall. Another song began; he came to me and we worshipped again. When that song ended, he said, “Thank you, Barbara,” and backed away to the door. I slumped to the floor in complete joy and ecstasy.
...It was 3:00 a.m. before I could walk down the stairs to my car. I knew that Jesus, the glorified Son of Man, had—in union with another human being's spirit—manifested Himself to me, and by doing so, our spirits melded into one. I was certain the Father had answered Jesus' prayer of John 17:21—‘That they may be one as we are.’
I thought, Surely this is the mystery the Apostle Paul refers to in Ephesians 5:31-32—“...the two shall be one flesh; this is a great mystery, but I speak concerning Christ and the church.”
(pp. 319-320)